Where are you originally from? How did you end up at Gettysburg?
I’m from Easthampton, Massachusetts. I first heard of Gettysburg through the baseball recruiting process. I took a visit and really loved the campus as well as the Political Science department.
Why did you decide to pledge at Theta-Pi? What drew you to the brotherhood?
I decided on Theta Pi because throughout the rush process it was the place I felt most at home. The main aspect of Theta Pi that really appealed to me was that the brotherhood was composed of a wide range of guys with diverse interests and areas of involvement on campus. Lastly, what was immediately apparent to me was that every brother genuinely cared about one another.
How long have you been involved with Lambda Chi Alpha? What have you learned/gained from your involvement? Do you have a leadership role at the house by any chance? If so, what’s your title?
I’ve been involved with Lambda Chi Alpha for approximately a year and a half. From my involvement with Lambda, I’ve definitely gained a deeper appreciation for the benefits of surrounding yourself with a group of guys who share the same values as you. I’m currently serving as chapter president.
What’s your expected grad year from Gettysburg? What is your area(s) of study?
My expected grad year is 2022. I’m a Political Science and Public Policy Double-Major with a Spanish Minor.
How has this year’s rush process differed from past years? How has it altered to account for COVID-19?
Our Fall rush was certainly different this year than in the past as all our events had to comply with guidelines from the school. We opted for a series of smaller events in order to meet capacity limits which ended up allowing us to get to know potential new members even better than in the past. Despite the challenges of having a rush during COVID, we had 23 guys accept bids in the fall which is one of our largest classes in recent years. Unfortunately, we are unable to have a rush this Spring due to guidelines set out by the college.
Are there any events at the house that you’ve had to cancel or alter due to the pandemic?
We aren’t able to live in the house this Spring which has meant that a lot of events, as well as weekly things such as chapter meetings, have had to be altered in order to make them feasible as virtual events. Additionally, we actually initiated our Fall class via a virtual initiation as we weren’t able to use the house and had to comply with all capacity restrictions.
How is day-to-day life in the house different this year from previous school years? What safety precautions are the brothers taking?
The college decided not to allow any students to live in fraternity houses this Spring. All our members are living in on-campus housing and being sure to comply with all the guidelines from the school as well as CDC recommendations so that we avoid the possibility of the college needing to de-densify as they did in the fall.
Do you have any post-grad plans at the moment?
I don’t have any definitive post-grad plans as of yet. However, my hope is to attend law school following graduation.